Sunday, September 2, 2012

Describing the Gospel

Today I was given an interesting proposal. To summarize the gospel in my own words. So here goes.

What is the gospel?
"The basic fact Christ, fully human and fully God, loved us so much that he planned to take on God's wrath for our sins and the sins to come on the cross so that we may be reunited with God."

As I wrote this, it made me think, what exactly is the gospel? Trying to describe the gospel is like trying to describe love. You can say love is a feeling. You can say love is about sacrificing yourself for another. You can say love is a pain. You can say all three are true plus millions more. Think of all the love songs or songs about loving in which we try to summarize this completely abstract concept of love, yet we know it's tangible. But oftentimes we find that none of us can summarize love as a whole, because our experiences with it differ so powerfully. If God IS Love, how much more inexplicable is He and his message? Yes, God sends his feeling of his Holy Spirit into us, yes God laid the ultimate sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ, taking on our sin, YES- God is a wrathful God. YES- God is love and the gospel, the basis of our faith, the message which he sent to us in our utterly human state that traps us within ourselves frees us to love, REALLY love. And not just love. Love GOD freely. Free to love and free to obey the Holy God without the bondage of sin weighing us down for eternity. And why? Because of his gospel. And for that I have no words to describe.

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