Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer Lovin♥

Blissful----c h e e r y-----JOYFUL----delighted------Ecstatic----thrilled---exultant ---- BLITHE ------- Spectacular ----L0veLy---MERRY

Aren't you simply all of the above words?
school's out and its time to have fun ^.^
okay... so technically school isn't out until exactly 12:25 tomorrow afternoon, but for me, I'm already celebrating cuz I just have orchestra and AP WORLD (which we've already taken haha) tomorrow. How can life get better?

Not only is school out, but the loveliest (Don't you love the word lovely. It's like those romantic English words like "perhaps" or "heavenly") ...anyways, the loveliest season of the year is here!

S U M M E R s u m m e r s u m m e r s u m m e r

honestly, i can never get enough of it. How can anyone not enjoy all of the summery characteristics: the merry sparkle of the pool, the enchanting sunsets, the neverending time
All through school I feel like I've been pushed so hard with schoolwork, volleyball, and just the basic things around the house.
Even though I know that I have it nowhere near as bad as others, I've got to say that complaining about it is half the fun ~.~

Now I have to take the time to actually get some constructive stuff done this summer

  • #1: Get closer to God---Baptism June 21st----be there x]
  • Learn how to drive well
  • Earn $$$ [quartet maybe]
  • Make my first dress
  • Move into the bonus room and decorate it
  • Clean the garage out
  • Create a clothes design portfolio
  • Practice volleyball---to make V A R S I T Y!!---right bria? x]
  • Get better at violin--- allstate? >.<
  • Learn to do a splilt
  • hopefully first time at shocco?
  • Hold a backyard dinner party
  • Do all my summer hw EARLY (not all procrastinated like i usually do)
  • Go to Shocco
  • Cook dinner for my mom the whole summer
  • Practice new recipes
  • Go to Six Flags
  • Run at least a mile at Ocee four times a week
  • Score brownie points with Wendy
  • Introduce 3 people to God
  • Do well on the June SAT
  • Tutor little kids
  • Help out with the coffee machine (gotta take over the family business one day :])
  • B L O G
  • *****************************************
now you guys have to help keep me accountable kay? ^.^ and most of all ..
K E E P I N T O U C H!!!!! because summer may be fun without school but it is nothing without my F A M I L Y, friends, and our FATHER

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day..
to all of those people out there who are reading this...
spend some time with your mom because in only a few more years are you going to be truly hers.
When the time comes for the baby bird to leave the's for forever
and personally, i don't think i'm just that ready to grow up yet.
so in that time, i'm going to be cuddled, hugged, spoiled, kissed, teased, and just be LOVED♥

Doesn't it feel good to know that somewhere in this world you are loved?

A lot of the time, we push love away and take it for granted.
Our parent's love. yet we start a fight over a silly thing. friend's love. yet we don't appreciate them being there and take them for granted. pet's love. yet we say we're busy and that it is being bothersome, but you know that we'll miss it when it's gone. God's love. everlasting neverending, yet we deny his name and teachings over and over again.

But you know what the best thing is? :] it never goes away. This warmth and happiness that you get when you're hugged by your mom that is.
She knows what makes you happy and sad, what to do when you're hurt physically and emotionally. She'll criticize you when you need it. and when you don't need it. But it's all because she LOVES you!!!

So go take the time to make her a card, cook her breakfast, bring her flowers, and take the time to be her slave for the day! ^.^