Thursday, June 21, 2012

These past few days there has been an unexplainable weariness in me. Physical, mental, spiritual exhaustion. For practically no reason at all. I went running, and had to walk half of the time. For the first time ever, I came home super early from basketball from simply not wanting or being able to continue to play. Usually I play until it's dark or until people leave. I come home and all I want to do is lie down on the couch and fall asleep to watching Avatar usually sleeping around 8PM. Yesterday, this is a stupid theory, but I think I smiled so intensely and for so long after getting my license that it drained me for the rest of the day? I'm spiritually tired for no reason at all. But one thing that has been helping though is reading my Bible on MARTA. Best way to begin the day, but still, my journaling and quality time with God has zero quality, has become more of a place to put selfish secular thoughts rather than something to represent my spiritual relationship. I feel like I'm getting enough sleep? I'm not overly or underly social. I'm not overeating nor undereating. I'm not physically inactive, nor overactive. What's wrong with me?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Guarding The Heart

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
So true.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Just came back from one of the best times at Jesse's house. We haven't lost our twin touch, or loss of things to speak with each other. We're both growing and changing in our own ways, from his developing interest in korean girl groups to my singing karaoke in front of a group of strangers for the first time. It makes me wonder, how can we be so similar, so alike, yet not believe in the same God?