cuz all of you have made such a big imprint on my life
that my body doesn't recognize that you're someone to miss yet
oh my goodness----i watched most of you walk across that stage and my heart ached a little bit
haha can you believe that I'm going to be in that exact same spot next year? :]
but i'm going to say some things to each person here in random order
I just want to say that all of you have touched me, and i'll never forget you♥
1. thank you for being awesome, like an older sister, giving me rides, going crazy together, loving God together---you make me a better person, and I feel at home with you. we've spent our entire childhood together and now you're entering a new chapter---i shall join you soon.
2. I feel honored to have been able to take a picture with you ^^
3. Thank you for making me work hard--especially for encouraging me all the time and for holding the team together. I learned so much from you. You really were one of my role models in volleyball♥
4. I loved meeting someone who cared about environmentalism as much as i do---i have to say that that convo we had was one of the best i've had this year---it made me feel like i finally found a soul that connected to mine ^.^
5. i can't believe the cantaloupe thing actually worked :] haha i love how it much your passion for god shows when you speak about him. you were so respectful to my parents and they were actually pretty impressed---yay!
6. MY SENIOR! you are my SENIOR despite the fact that everyone else are my seniors too---but you are MY SENIOR the most because i am YOUR FRESHMAN! doode--we have been through so much together--specially new york--i remember you teaching me how to sing "the prayer"..your bday party--i will miss you more than ever so you better come back to visit meee
7. you inspire my fashion designer self--not only that-but i love your smile cuz you use it everytime you see me :]
8. that was an amazing dance party we had that one time--ctr, will's park, i love that even though we can't see each other often, when i talk to you, I feel as if we had never been apart. gah--and now you're going to california!!! >< i will miss you so much. thank you for being yourself because I love that part of you the best! you guys are the only ones that I allow to call me shuen.
9. Thank you for driving another person on this list in their walk with christ, not to mention my own walk with Him. It's so obvious that the Holy Spirit is in you.
10. i was kind of scared of you at first--but i shouldnt have judged a book by its cover. You are by far one of THE most lovable people I know. You always put others in consideration before yourself and i think of you as a huge teddy bear haha. please come over for jambalaya any day you want to in the summer. (you can come--but i cant guarantee we'll have it xD)
11. Thank you for being awesome. point blank. for helping to keep me accountable in reading God's word. You havent really said much to me about it, but your actions speak louder than your words. I am awe-inspired by you and will miss you mucho mi senorita!
12. YAYY your smile is super chirpy and homeroom was great cuz we were together---not to mention prom---i feel like we got to know each other much better this year--and i still haven't signed your yearbook! keep on being happy♥
13. we've been together since taylor road and i've never questioned that you wouldn't be there. but now you wont be there :O-- you were the first boy that i ever saw imitate the dance moves of korean girls music videos---keep on dancing awesomely ;] and it was awesome seeing you at movie night AND church! :D
14. haii---i cant believe that you played cards at graduation wow...but yeah--its been cool helping out youth group this year with you. and thankyou for my orch award♥ it bleeds for you (in a good way)
15. i love that we've become friends enough to the point where hugging you doesn't feel like i'm torturing some poor bunny. it feels natural now :] your heart is beautiful---and we need to talk more for sure before you leave me.
16. You are my church mommy--heck you are everybody's mommy. And you're abandoning your child..aren't you ashamed? >:O haha jkjk
but i love you in its entirety. You say things to me cuz you care about me and you're always smiling when i greet you---let's continue walking in christ together♥
17. mm this year was amazing--hearing you play solo for the first time hehe >:] that was such a completely unexpected meeting--and now COSTA RICA! woohoo! haha and prom--that was really a great memory. AHH! i remember being so intimidated by your reputation before and you turned out to be this amazing down to earth guy who i love to watch on stage too...and whos going to college sniff sniff
18. hehe--you rocked my video---me too!--lets hang at ocee sometime..even though we speak in jokes most of the time--you are a deep cookie and i'm really happy that i got to know you more this year :]
19. mmm man for a while there we texted a WHOLE bunch lool...but yeah--i was also a little intimidated by you at first--cuz you seemed kind of scary....but once we got to talking, i felt so inspired by you. You helped keep me accountable and gave me more theology than i was ever expecting. winter retreat---memory kept forever. i cant wait to see what God does in you. :]
20. mmm♥ you and your black're the first person i ever heard to say "WOMANG." im so excited for costa rica---we shall do amazing things together. keep on working hard and know that He's with you ^^
21. you've taken care of me so well in orchestra over these past years. i love our scrapbook! ahh! just had to throw that in there... i dont know what im going to do without you next year--go recruit some freshmen haha. mmm--you made won-il be nice to me and i had so much fun with you this year--you're sweet even when you say criticist (is that a word?) thing--cuz you just say them with LOVE'll always be the function on the top of my list ;]
22. oh what to say what to say..i feel like i've already said everything in your yearbook entry..but i want to restate it again cuz you really do mean that much to me. you truly were the one that made me feel the most welcome in chattahoochee as a freshman and lil freshmen like me never forget someone like that..someone who doesn't treat them like a younger random person, but as an equal. your love for people is amazing. i know that you have your ups and downs but you keep such a positive attitude anyways. man--you better not stop talking to me cuz you've been a part of life so long that i SERIOUSLY FOR REAL cannot imagine it without you in it. awww my wasabi brother is graduated--sigh* shall do awesome things cuz you love and fear God.
23. WHAT TO SAY? because there is so much that we have going on between us. I feel like we are friends with an unshakable bond. We can act simply crazy together..haha i saved you for last cuz i felt like you deserved this esteemed spot ;)..but anyways--you've been more than a've been a and your entire family. we can talk about anything and we strengthen each other's relationship with God. you make me laugh when you laugh and we served on our original nashville team. even though you hate it when people bring up your funny stories..i'll always love them because they represent a side of you that marks you as different than so many other people. You are unique and special in my heart---♥
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