yes, there is a plus in the title
20+ days of Monique
because these nineteen days are already preset FO SHO going to spend or have already spent with her
....boy am i going to get sick of Monique
JKJKJK i love every moment I spend with you monique♥♥♥
down from hiding under blankets from my parents
to teaching you CTR
to walking and talking in Ocee
to kekekekekekekja;lkfjds;ljfe-ing
YEAH THATS RIGHT---im talking to YOU, mo
okays we go
Day 1: i get a text from monique going "hey let's hang out" so we do...
randomly spontaneously..out of the blue. We hang at Ocee
swing a TON
lie down on grass and gaze at the sun eating our goldfish
go home (my home) eat dinner, play crash team racing, and making webcasts for our lovely jessie&ivan
Day 2: ...12:00 am..monique goes home
later in the day she picks me up to go to her house for an ACCCN dinner par-tay hehe
we....shishkabob awesomeness made by mrs. chang
go pick up a movie (Nine)
get yelled at by Valerie for picking a "bad movie"
we watch it later...the scandalousness of it is pretty shocking, but its interesting :]
(apparently i'm horrific, demanding, and busy)
annndddd leave at twelve...AM
Day 3: Meet up at WHIRLWIND WOOHOO!!!
to see all those adorable little youngins and to have our Costa Rica meeting...
we are allowed only four shirts, a dress, two pairs of shoes, three pairs of underwear, two pants, three pairs of socks, and no comb x]
later---potluck dinner f/ whirlwind team
uncle joey brought oreo ice cream♥
Day 4: came over to my house to let the 'rents play tennis
hehehehehe we played CTR again
...mmm could've spent more time with her if i decided to tag along with whirlwind and go to tofu house, whirlyballing, and lasertagging
man...i should've gone
and DAY4 is TODAY!!
fifteen more definite dates to go~
the next 4 are for pre-costa rica retreat
the next 8 after that is for COSTA RICA!! woohoo
the next 4 after that is for Shocco '10
and who knows after that?
but yes---each time i'm with you mo
i shall never fail to laugh my head off
your heart is beautiful and i'm so happy to be your friend :]
i'm glad we have all these awesome days of summer together cuz i will miss you like no other when you head off to GA tech
hehe...but i'll see you sundays anyways so its all good ;]
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