Isn't it interesting? When we try to please the world, we're put down and start feeling negative emotions. But when we try to please the Lord, even when it seems like it's only making things worse, in the long run, it lifts us up.
By Edward Sun
I was reading Ed's blog and.....when i came across this little phrase right here
i couldn't help but think
1) that is so true
2) i ALWAYS try to please the world
3) have i always tried to please the world before pleasing god first?
4) i want that feeling of contentment that feeling of being "lifted up in God"
Isn't it ironic that we say we do not want to please the world
using that all too familiar statement of "do not conform but be transformed"
and yet..grades, facebook, college prep: the norm of teenager society
have become the norm of our own lives
is that not pleasing the world?
I want to try something
when i pray..i always so Lord, God, Lord and the pattern continues on
but more than anything God is a father
loving til the end...sometimes i forget that
not that he loves me, but that he is my father
that the way i feel towards my own father should be only a slight inkling of my love for God
and right now..that's not how it is
I may love my father more than my Father at this moment
and that's not how it's supposed to be at all..though there should be love for both
but yeah..
our Father in heaven hallowed be your name.
Let me remember that.
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