man..i know that i keep saying that God is calling me to Costa Rica, not to GHP
but please spare me these few minutes of hurt
i'm so happy for all my ghp folks
honestly and truly
that's one of the reasons why my own failure hasn't hit me as hard as it can
i'm just sad that I fail
the two things i wanted out of this year: all-state and GHP
the two things that I said last year that i would work my butt off to achieve
no more chances
it actually does hurt some...idunno why, but then who ever knows?
disappointment? too much fried stuff?
the knowledge that all you're going to get are sympathetic stares, "oh its okay, you'll get something else" and
"hey, i'm sorry"
i don't want anyone feeling sorry for me....ever
i only want to be able to feel sorry for myself and then move on from it
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