Give thanks for the sun give thanks for the moonThe high pitched voices of my fifth grade classmates pierce me even now, you know...that cute little chirp even the boys have and the exaggerated gapings of the mouth...
Give thanks for the fresh clean air
Give thanks for the mountains sea and shore
Give thanks for the love that we share
Give thanks for the food we're about to eat
Give thanks for our neighbors too
For now is Thanksgiving and most of all
I'm thankful just to be here with you
We all have someone who's helepd us along
Who was there when we needed a hand
We all have something to be grateful for
It isn't very hard to understand
But this song we sang every year and I just remember it was my favorite thxsgiving tradition for chorus
six years later
and I remember it perfectly.
Really, sometimes I don't think that Thanksgiving gets enough hype. Especially for not it's worth.
Every single day, I look around me and go wow..I am blessed..so undeservingly it's crazy and I know that too. It kills me after I make such a big fuss about some minute miniscule little matter, some trivial materialistic fight, cuz when I look back on it, it's so ridiculous I can't even admit that that person was me haha.
Sometimes God blesses me too much too, cuz I will sit back and be like, what did I do to deserve to be this happy? And I probably shouldn't be that happy, cuz then I get complacent. But sometimes I just can't help but be happy, loving this life I have, reminiscing about every blissful memory, it's a habit whether good or bad.
But, getting off topic of my original point (for those of you who had mrs. hartfield, TANGENT!! :D) I'm so happy and thankful that I have each and everyone one of you guys around me. so, yup this is my turkey day shoutout, cuz I truly am thankful to you....some of you have impacted my life in more ways than you could possibly imagine, and I don't think..
actually i KNOW FOR SURE
that I would not even be close to being the person I am today with the same morals, values, thoughts, habits, everything.
I really love you guys...and don't you forget it :]
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all...
(I gotta use y'all, i'm so used to having a southern thxsgiving with my family after all xD)
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