It's ridiculous how many people get divorced.
It's horrifying how love can so easily dissipate into thin air.
It's heartbreaking to know that you no longer have another link to another person.
Honestly, Christ is the bond between all things.
I hear parents' friends with marital problems, job losses taking the heaviest toll on people, friendships being broken to smithereens. In today's society, there is absolutely no incentive to be moral. In fact, it makes more sense to be immoral, because that is how you get all of the "juice out of life." If you have finished squeezing all the pleasure or usefulness out of an object or a person, then it has become simply okay to toss it away, quick as a soda can into a dumpster.
I've seen so many people build and destroy relationships and it's just not supposed to work that way. Relationships are not superficial and were created to last.
No matter how many ways I think about it, the reason for these falling outs is because of a lack of Christ in that relationship. My dad consistently tells me, "you know, I don't think that I could have survived losing my job if I didn't know that Christ would take care of me." He along with with his fellow Christian co-workers knew times were tough but that they would get through it. Most all others fell into some depressed state and lamented how life was over. Marriages of family friends are falling apart because they are missing the essential glue! When you're married, it's so easy to forget how to love the right way, how to continually return to the basis of respect and most importantly selflessness.
22 The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
-Psalm 118:22
I'm just venting here cuz of stuff I've seen and heard recently, but please..make Him your cornerstone, the base that you build your integrity and relationships on.