I was delightfully reminded today that I have time again to blog
and so I shall!
People probably have stopped even checking mine, so I can be a little more kooky (i spelled it cooky at first xD), more quirky, dumber, more nonsensical, more in the moment, and best of all, jokes that make people groan.
And in case you're wondering why this post is titled "Im-ma back!" It is because I have played way too much Wii Super Mario Bros. Each time you use a continue for Mario, he shouts in his cute Italian cartoon voice, IMMA BACK! hehe...thus the weirdness begins...
So..I've been fiddling around with a guitar some..and by ignoring facebook, phone, email, and all other forms of distracting communication, I was actually able to focus on just trying to work some things out. I can now play the intro to Sweet Home Alabama, Don't Stop Believing, and Beautiful Soul! As well as How Great is Our God. I'm hoping to get that last one down really well, especially because I want to move on to other praise songs. I don't know how much time I will have to play violin seriously in the near future, but I'm glad that guitar is one of those things that doesn't have to be perfect or anything. You can just pick it up and make a beautiful sound that is ten times easier than playing violin with a beautiful sound.
Gosh, this is so much fun blogging again...
And there is really no true purpose to this post besides announcing my coming out of retirement. I miss our blogging community of girls: Penn (you've stayed faithful), Bria, Christina, Jessie. Hehe, those last two have switched to Tumblr. Traitors >:]
But, this past week has been amazing especially with all the no school.
Highlights of the Week:
1. Praise God for giving me this week to take time to heal properly from my sickness
2. Princeton interview was stinking amazing..either my best or second best
...I think I just connect with people who grew up in Georgia better..
3. Best snowball fight ever from Taco Bell all the way to Ocee Park♥
4. Snow Penguin named Henry
5. Playing five straight hours of Super Mario Bros. with Andrew Hsu
6. Going to my first Christian concert
7. No school (obviously)
8. Starting my gym routine :D
9. Daily Devotions (Pray that my resolve won't die!)
10. Near collisions with the mailbox when sledding down the hill
11. Actually setting up a dinner theatre plan
13. Surprising news from all places
14. Our huge amazing prayer group
15. Squishy dolphins
16. Playing guitar
17. Did I mention no school?
18. Staying up late
19. Banana split ice cream
20. Thank you God for this beautiful whiteness that has allowed all of these precious moments to unfold♥