How can I learn to love unconditionally?
Without a single thought for myself..
a pure love
i guess I can only try and find out.
Everyone is analyzing themselves.
but because we are bonded through Christ, who sees me as i am, HE can fill the void that we sometimes forget to fill in our friends' hearts. And because of JOYFUL...dont look down on yourself..because we know that one day we WILL be perfect through Him.
My Best Friend and Me
Around the bend a Frisbee flies,
While I sit in the park and think.
Mahogany wood forms the bench where I
Wait for my friend as I link,
Together all the events that flew
Through the week, day by day.
As I pick up my book and begin to read,
I spot her 'cross the bay.
Clothed in green with a pair of blue jeans,
I wave to her, brimming with cheer.
"Faith, I missed you so much when you moved,
But now you're finally here!"
We hug each other, hold on tight,
Think of the places we'll go.
Soar through air on a tire-swing chair.
Sing---one high voice, one low.
We swim in the pool all day and all night,
Never tire of tumbling about.
Faith and I eat mounds of ice cream.
We joke and let our laughs tumble out.
Any place fills with contentment and glee,
As long as my best friend is there with me.
-Rebecca Lam
wanted it as badly as i did
I want to cry..but I can't
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those
who love him"
-1 Corinthians 2:9
"I believe in the power of music. I believe music transcends the barriers of race, religion, gender, language, age, and culture. I believe music has the power to inspire dreams and bring understanding to all people.
Everyday I can use my hands to play the viola is a blessing. Everyday I take what God has given me and learn to inspire others through my hard work. Whether I am practicing or performing, I always give my best effort and tolerate nothing else.
I am a martyr for music. No matter who the audience is, no matter what ranking they have garnered from this world, I step onto that stage before me and let them know who I am and why I deserve that stage. Their condemnation means nothing to me – I live to serve and please only one master – but their wisdom I heed.
If this gift is taken from me, I will not be bitter. My time will pass and others will soon fill the world with inspiration. Whether I play or not, music will exist in my heart and the hearts of those who continue to inspire.
Music is about the effort I put into it, not the sound that others hear and judge. I am a musician and this is my legacy."
"when i'm in that auditioning room,
gone will be the nervousness, the indecision, and the doubt.
God's hand will weigh down my shaking shoulder
Turning that fleeting scratch into a tone
rich and vibrant, precise and liquid
Closing my eyes
I will choose to trust."
"There is no such thing as "love at first sight". There is no such thing as "falling in love" or "falling out of love". There is such thing as being Bound and Unbound. There is such a thing as having Sighted and not having Sighted.
Actually, we are all Bound. We are all Bound to somebody out there, in this vast, overpopulated, overcrowded world - but for technical purposes, we will say that you are Bound once having Sighted, and Unbound when not having Sighted. Most of the time, being Bound brings happiness - we were meant to be! It is fate! The predetermined way of things! My love! My one and only true love! - but sometimes, in very rare cases, fate plays a cruel trick on us and we are Bound to the wrong person.
So? you question. So what? We don't have to stay with them? Right? It's just fate.
Right. You don't HAVE to. You can mingle with others who are Unbound, or with others who are unhappy with their match; those who scoff at the thought of fate; those who do not listen to their hearts, but their selfish, shallow minds; those like yourself.
But there will always be that deep pain inside you, a longing that gnaws at your inner being if it hasn't already plagued your heart once you have Sighted the one you are Bound to. You can't ignore this feeling, hide it away, or push it to the back of your mind, even if you are with one you are not Bound to, even if you can ignore the one you are Bound to. You will never be able to get rid of them completely, they will be like a constant alarm you can't turn off. Bounded. Bounded. Bounded, your heart will say, panging with hurt with every beat. You are Bounded. Where is your Bound one?, it will follow you and question like a guilty conscience. Bounded. Where is your Bound one?
I knew I was Bound from the moment I saw her wide brown eyes from across the loud, dark room - I had Sighted. But I would've given anything to turn back time and not Sight her at all."