GUEST APPEARANCE BY THE BBLPBMMEAWBFF in the world Best Brownie Loving Peanut Butter M & M Eating Anime Watching Best Friend Forever sooooooo take it away and give it up for a special guest appearance from Bria JONES♥♥♥
.....hello....poppet .....right now I'm eating a meat pie.....
........brownie's in my lap right now...........he's so cute!!!......
...............I just drank a sip of was very tasty.............
REBECCA HERE okay so apparantly our guest speaker is having a writing impediment? writer's block? is there such a thing as a writing impediment? i have no clue..sorry :] sooooooooo....let's begin with a prompt... SOOOOO BRIA JONES: who is the leading man of your life? im sure that our audience here is DYING (not worries) to know♥
Bria: Well, it's not really that hard of a decision ^_~ Of course it's ALWAYS been Inuyasha....but you know Brownie is just so cute that I can't resist him!!! I'm such a player xD
* for those of you who do not know who brownie can't say because he has not signed a liability waiver yet...again...sorry :] REBECCA HERE well bria, i hear from many criticizers....that inuyasha is no longer in at the moment... -how would you respond to that? -and are there any more hearts tragically broken with this "playa" problem you have? -would you recommend others with this disorder to seek help among friends and family?
Bria: Okay first off.........GEOFFREY YOU CAN JUST GO FALL IN A VERY DEEP HOLE AND STAY THERE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!! >< face="trebuchet ms">REBECCA HERE okkaayyyy bria..if that's the way you roll >:] soo to update our viewers (readers) here today: ms. jones is accompanying moi to my very own ACCCN (ATLANTA CHINESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH NORTH) and i am very excited to have everyone meet her tomorrow and im sure that she's going to turn heads ......
Bria: ...........PSSSSSSSSSSSSSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REBECCA HERE as i was saying before being RUDELY INTERRUPTED COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH AHEM bria's going to make her debut at church hehe ...and she's finding out (right now actually as she is sitting next to me while i am typing) that she's gonna have to stand up in the congregation tomorrow because she is new heeheeehee anywayssss any big expectations for your first visit to ACCCN tomorrow bria? *********************************************************************************** Bria: *thinking* Well, I'm on the lookout for hot asian guys ^_~ ..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Jk :) ....not really, but anyway, I'm excited to finally attend Chinese Church!!!! My lifelong goal has finally been fulfilled!!!! *********************************************************************************** REBECCA HERE i'm excited too bria that you're excited and im glad that we're going to be able to glorify God together tomorrow as friends and family should do.... POP QUIZ: just wondering..what is your favorite book and why? hehe gotta think about this analytically like you're back in AP WORLD with coach bowler haha jkjk who do you think is the most entertaining person you know...guy and girl and WHY haha gotta have the whys♥
Bria: Hmmmm, well for the pop quiz question, one of my favorites would be Genesis. There are so many great stories involved, especially Adam and Eve (All I really want to know is...why???).
Hmm, the most entertaining people I know......well for a guy, it would probably have to be.................GEOFFREY NOH. He's such a stupid jerk, and I hate him sooooo much. He's stupid and awful at cello. He has no biomass. I'M NOT FRIENDS WITH HIM AT ALL!!!! ....yeah. (....okay, most of that is not true but I just felt like saying it, hehehe xD)
For the girl one, it'd probably have to be Latha. I love that girl!!!! Our lunch moments are soooo memorable ^^ Like our most recent conversation about whether or not Bill Kaulitz is bisexual and how when we both turn 18, we're going to party at a gay club!!! I can't wait x)
REBECCA HERE mmmmm nice choice....for the record my fav book is it and you'll see why as for poor, insulted oh man...i knew that she was going to say that you see her post now... wait until you have lunch with the two of them.....KAPOW! and i totally absolutely ultimately in no doubt whatsoever disagree with your choice of girl i love you fair partner, la buddy, older sister, the most original person ever♥ wellll........since the day has passed from september 12 to 13 bout eight minutes ago im going to wrap up with one final question.... any further questions are going to have to be given to the interviewee here FACEBOOK HER her, beep her, if you want to reach her as thus: 1: what is the largest secret you've ever had to spill at truth or dare? 2: what is the grossest/weirdest/most embarrassing/just worst dare you've ever done? you know....this is just to get to know the REAL bria jones >:]
Bria: Hmmm, largest secret ever I suck at thinking right now......even though this probably isn't large in any way, it most likely be who I liked at the yeah.
As for weirdest/grossest/whatchamacallit dare ever....gosh darnit, I must have LONG TERM MEMORY LOSS!!! Well, I guess I'll just say that it was when REBECCA LAM (><) made me do "bacon" on the driveway during halloween last year (soooo much fun, i gotta tell you). But yeah, most of the time I'm too chicken to do dares anyway =/ ************************************************************************************ REBECCA HERE mmmm i know how you feel about the truth one there thats why i dont do truths....i dont like to reveal stuff that i only reveal to people who im close to just cuz of a game..though that's kinda a point soooo fast fact: im a dare person :] LOLOLOLOLOL seriously bria? hahahahahaha i remember that...heehee halloween was so fun with darren's white joker face...o.o soo scary ohh my and the reason why i made her do bacon is cuz i can't dare people to do weird awkward stuff like give a kiss or do dirty stuff....thats just not me soooo therefore.....bacon? haha and that concludes our broadcast/post/blog or "whatchamacallit" soooooo a shoutout to our good friend geoffrey noh GET ON OUR LEVEL!!!!! :DDD good night you guys♥♥♥