Wednesday, April 29, 2009

From the Inside Out

Those of you who went to Winter Retreat 08..
remember this pic?
the act of losing oneself is something that can't ever be replaced
the best we can do is try to pick up the pieces and find peace with those pieces...
that's what God's for. For the million times we're lost, he find us. For the billion times we break down, he stands us back up on our feet. For the numberless times that we need Him...he is there.

I know this is a pretty gloomy entry for my second post but a recent event spurred this that's why. One of my friends is going through a pretty rough time with her boyfriend right now.

Scratch that...she's basically decimated. she had the perfect relationship because the person she was with made her feel happier than she had ever felt before and he was the only person who could do that. To top it off, he was like her best friend, herego = perfect relationship. Then he broke up with her... :O

and i don't want to give you all the details because after all, this is her personal life. But in order to make my point i'll give you a bit more. Personally, before this, I had never TRULY seen a girl heartbroken. Sad yes. Depressed yes. Broken up over a guy yes. but never headon, straight, pure heartbrokeness. [comparison: think of a certain girl in New Moon who loves a certain golden-eyed vampire] There's a ton of stuff in between, but all you need to know is that a lot of stupid things were said, rumors leaked, and a lot of deepfelt anger.

sooo.. they started talking after three months as of two days ago. Yes, I know. two days. and you know what? She was incredibly happy. She told me she seriously loved him and her happiness simply radiated from her. Isn't it amazing what being in love on the inside can do to one's physical appearance?♥ well I loved seeing her so happy because she became a gentler and more loving person in simply those two days. A fairy tale ending right? we all have experienced at some point and time, this cannot always be true. At six she got a text from him saying that he loved her with all his heart. TWO HOURS LATER. He had texted her again saying that they couldn't be together anymore because his parents had found out about them and so much more stuff. woww.. how romeo&juliet is that? But it was the first breakup all over again. She just kept saying
"I'm so tired. I'm just so tired."
and it broke my heart to see her like that; to be hurt to the depths of her heart for the second time in a row. by her best friend none the less.

Point of story: she is an atheist and doesn't feel that strongly about religion. We've talked about it some and being in APWORLD and all, that doesn't help her opinion any. But I KNOW that if she would simply trust in God. ...
give Him her time...her worries...her broken heart...
then no other treatment would be better.
It's like I told Grace one can't cure the heart with a test for the brain or by swallowing a pill for the stomach

only your spirit can cure the heart and the only one who can send the spirit is HIM

so if you're reading this..send a prayer to my friend. Watch it take off and soar
because who knows? that prayer might cure her from the inside out.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today's Gift

Ever wonder what life would be like without God?
ever wonder what life would be like without the tiny ittle bitty surprises in life that keep you guessing every day?
for example......
that penny you found on the sidewalk that just made your day
that flower someone left by your locker that made you smile
that random hug that your mom gives you and says, "i love you"
Or just that random feeling you sometimes get when you know you are loved
that's Him alright
sure we can get frustrated
for example.....
today i wasn't good to my sister because 1)i was nagging her to get ready for church 2)she wanted to stick around with me at church and i basically ignored her x.x
today i was being super bossy to my group partners (wow i really am a bossy person) and if you ever read this, i'm sorry for my chronic bossiness
today i sat at the computer instead of talking to my family

and there are just those little things that get you down

before i forget:
my SAT teacher actually told me this
did you know sitting in front of your computer for too long can make your hair fall out or effect your baby?
wowww lol
it's cuz of the radiation or something like that..
but those frustrating things are what make us who we are...
sure we can wish life was perfect all the time
but you know what?
sometimes i think that its life's imperfections that make us get up every morning
because A: we are not and will ever be perfect
B: its by how we fight those imperfections that defines us
C: we know we don't deserve life, yet we're given a second chance every second of the day...

because of that everlasting love God gives us
so...when you see that penny or have a hidden smile
that's God's gift for the day to you :]

how's that for a first post?♥